Made this a STRESS FREE process!

Pam made buying our dream house in a competitive market, while working our busiest month of the year, two weeks after having a baby completely STRESS FREE! We slept well (as well as we could with a newborn…) knowing that she had all the details handled and that nothing was going to slip through the cracks. She anticipated all our questions before we even asked them. She has a keen understanding of real estate law, city codes, vendor connections, contractor language, and the housing market overall. She negotiates with finesse. She strategizes with wisdom. Her methods of communication are prompt, clear, and complete. She cares! This is not just a job for her. She seemed just as emotionally invested in our big purchase as we were and was genuinely excited for us each step along the way. We highly recommend Pam and are grateful for her help making this dream of ours come true.